Getting your hearing aid fitted is a big step, whether it’s your first hearing aid or not. It’s important to make sure that you understand everything you can about the process and the hearing aid you’re having put in place. Part of that will involve asking the hearing specialist as many questions as you need to about your hearing aid. Here are some questions in particular that you shouldn’t forget to ask.

How do I take care of my hearing aid?

It’s vital to know exactly how to take care of your hearing aid once you have it. You don’t want to be left wondering what to do to keep it in good shape. After all, this is so important in terms of getting the most out of your hearing device. If you’re not taking proper care of it, it won’t last as long as it otherwise might and therefore you will end up not getting good value out of it across its lifespan.

Can I change programs and the volume?

Learning about the controls of the hearing aid will allow you to get the most out of it and make small tweaks to it as and when you need to. This is something that your hearing care provider will be more than happy to help you with during the fitting process. They should tell you how to change programs, as well as the volume settings. Many people need to change these things depending on the situation.

When should I wear the hearing aid?

When you need to wear your hearing aid might not be as obvious as you assume. Of course, it entirely depends on your particular situation. It might be the case that you only need to wear it some of the time, but you also might need to wear it all the time. The only person who can tell you which of those options is the right one is your hearing specialist, so don’t forget to ask them about it during the fitting.

What about when I need to change the battery?

Hearing aids use batteries to stay functional, so it’s worth asking about how long the battery in your particular hearing aid is likely to last. That way, you can plan ahead and make sure that you’ve got a stock of the correct battery types in place for when they’re likely to run out and need replacing.

Can I schedule a follow-up appointment?

Having a new hearing aid fitted is a big life change for most people. To be sure that you’re getting on alright with it and everything is as it should be with your new hearing aid, you should schedule a follow-up appointment. If your hearing specialist doesn’t mention this to you during or after the fitting, be sure to ask about it before you leave.

Asking the right questions really matters when you’re getting your hearing aid fitted. When you ask these questions and any others you might have, you’ll understand the process much better and they’ll be no way for confusions or misunderstandings to cause problems for you going forward.